Friday, November 5, 2010


Hello Bradshaw Family! I am so excited to present the Bradshaw Food Network. This is for everyone in the family to use, and I hope you use it often. I thought it would be fun to have a blog where we can all keep in touch and share recipes with eachother. I am always looking for new recipes to try but I like making recipes that others have made and like. Don't be shy, share all your delicious recipes. You can share recipes for main dishes, side dishes, snacks, etc, or even money and time saving tips. Share anything that you think would be useful to others in the family.
We want to keep this organized and easy to find recipes. When you make a posting label it in a category. I think how you do this is when you are writing a post at the right bottom corner there is a spot that says 'Labels:'. I think you put the category right there. I think you can put a recipe in more than 1 category if you need to. We can start with these categories:
Main dish- Chicken
Main dish- Beef
Main dish- Pork
Side dish
Gluten Free
Feel free to add more as needed!

If you have any questions or concerns just let me know. Hopfeully you are all as excited about this as me and Eliza are. It should be fun and it's a good way to keep in touch!



  1. Gluten free?! Who in their right mind eats gluten free food!...oh wait...nevermind.

  2. Ha Ha Ha Tyler - clearly I am not in my right mind, but I think we've all known that for ... about 8 years?!?!?
